Friday 4 May 2007

Dragging myself away from it

It's the first May bank holiday weekend so I'm furiously emailing off to get letters of invitation to various countries whose names I can't pronounce, then I'm catching the 6 o'clock train to Derbyshire to go climbing at Stanage for the long weekend. That'll be interesting as it's so long since I did any proper climbing that I can barely tell one end of the rope from another.

The friendly people at MOO emailed this morning to say they'd give us a pack of free photographic mini business cards. This is a lovely gesture as they're still a small web company, so hurrah for them - everyone should buy themselves some MiniCards to say 'good on yez, MOO'.

Note to self: post insurance cheque, hang out washing, leave note about watering seedlings, find climbing helmet, learn how to spell - or better still pronounce - Kyrghyzstan. The spellcheck doesn't recognise it either.

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