Wednesday 18 July 2007

Ready, steady, go...

After the chaos of the last few days (tractor show, donkey derby, hunting down a car, talking to the radio (cheers, Uncle Hugo and Ferry FM), papers and TV people (nice one, BBC news), photo shoots galore (thanks, Belfast Telegraph and Newtownards Chronicle), collecting money (Aaron has a gift for sweet talking), packing and leading the pram race) we're finally ready to go. The days were creeping past and then suddenly it was like a scene from 24 - what time is it? Who are we meeting next? What do we still have to do?

We had our send off in the Square in Portaferry last night - hordes of people wishing us well and giving us money - where we headed the pram race, with police bike escort, round a loop of the town. This was followed by a hugely successful Night at the Races ably run by Donal from Mulsanne Casinos. It was the first time I'd seen grown men and women screeching at a DVD for their horse to win, but eight lucky people did win 40 quid each, and someone even picked up the grand prize of £77.50 on the auction race. My mammy's horse, The Bookkeeper (spot the gambling librarian), galloped home at 2 to 1, and she was very excited about that. We're delighted that our friendly pharmacist, John, was a multiple winner with his horses - he supplied us with a huge box of first aid goodies yesterday making him our favourite local legal drug dealer. I only hope we don't have to use half the stuff he's given us...

After cashing up and bagging coins and swapping change at the bar we'd made over £400, probably more, and over the whole of Gala Week had easily lifted a grand. People have been fantastic in their support. It's no wonder Northern Ireland is one of the most charitable places in the world.

So here we are, ready (just about) to depart for Belfast, pick up a few odds and ends, eat the condemned man's hearty breakfast at Ten Square and then hit the road. I am utterly calm despite my lack of sleep last night, and yes, a little excited too. Next stop, London.

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