Tuesday 19 June 2007

Reasons for the rally

Okay, I admit it - there's more to doing this rally than raising money for charity and it being fun. I'm running away, I'm pretty sure of it. I'm running away from turning 31 but feeling 25; from a rough year at work made rougher because I've lost my enthusiasm for it; from yet another relationship that I hoped would last a long time actually turning out to be something quite different. I'm watching friends settle down, getting married, having children... and if I'd married the love of my life when I was supposed to, I'd be in their position too, but it didn't work out like that, so I'm running away and Mongolia seems a good destination.

Maybe it'll be like the French Foreign Legion. Maybe I'll turn up at the starting line in Hyde Park and there'll be a bunch of other shifty-looking characters signing up under pseudonyms, all with funny hats and dodgy pasts and a Jean-Claude Van Damme lookalike petitely smouldering in the background. We'll all drive off into the sunset together leaving our old lives behind. We'll bond in the desert and befriend an American who is fleeing injustice, a gambling British Army Major, and an Italian with a hero complex, and we'll fight the rebels who outnumber us. Or that could actually be the plot of Legionnaire.

My mother says I post to much information in this blog. Ma, that's what blogs are for. Besides, it's not like you're reading b3ta. Actually, please don't read b3ta.

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